April 7, 2024

#39 Behavioral science to launch products & understand users ft. Kristen Berman, Founder of Irrational Labs

00:00 Intro to Kristen Berman 

01:21 The Genesis of Irrational Labs & Power of Behavioral Economics

02:45 Unlocking User Insights: The Shift in Customer Interviews 

05:00 The Art of Designing Effective Incentives & Understanding User Behavior

11:26 Empty Text Boxes to User Empowerment: ChatGPT as an example

13:07 Overcoming Barriers: Making Products More Accessible 

19:42 B2B—Understanding Consumer vs. Business Decision-Making

24:27 Product-Led Growth: Strategies and Challenges

25:09 Simplifying B2B User Experiences: A Key to Adoption

26:20 Customer Feedback vs. Actual Behavior: Navigating the Bias

27:17 Case Studies & Learning from Failures

37:41 The Power of Environment in Shaping User Behavior

42:36 Embracing AI: Behavioral Economics in the New Decade

49:23 Concluding Thoughts on Behavioral Science in Product Design


Getting feedback and listening to what customers have got to tell us has been the favorite part for all of us product folks. Whether it’s a new app, feature, or even a little shiny interaction, we love getting validation from our audience. We’re in the constant exploration of how best to solve our users’ problems and jumping in as the demi-gods they’d see. But wait, how do we know what exactly goes on in our users’ minds? Like literally brain-reading them. Kristen Berman is the CEO and co-founder of Irrational Labs, a behavioral product design firm. She helps companies like Google, Airbnb, PayPal, Microsoft, and LinkedIn improve their products and services through behavioral design research. Yes yes, the one where she helps builders and founders design, test and scale products by learning behavioral economics. Kristen’s work has been featured in The Stanford Innovation Review, TechCrunch, and Scientific American.


Kristen shares her experiences working with tech companies and highlights how behavioral design research aids in creating products that truly resonate with users. She touched upon the evolution of AI tools like ChatGPT and its impact on user experience, psychology of nudging, overcoming biases, and the role of behavioral economics in a new AI-driven era.