The ride of an operator turned founder: Early product stories ft. Aarthi Ramamurthy

Becoming a first-time founder is definitely fun, challenging, and more than anything a roller-coaster ride. Whether it’s transitioning from being an operator or scaling up a side project to something big, the energy and focus are unparalleled. So, what’s it like to hit the start button for foundership? What are the things to keep in mind, trade-offs to handle during decisions, and uncertainties to wade through?

Aarthi Ramamurthy is an entrepreneur, creator, product advisor, and a bearer of so many other hats. Aarthi runs the Good Time Show along with her partner Sriram, and she formerly led product teams at Clubhouse, Netflix, Facebook, and Microsoft, while also co-founding two amazing startups.

In this video, Aarthi and Aishwarya chat all things about how it was to work at Netflix in its early days, strategy behind putting the red Netflix button to the remote ;), transitioning to becoming a founder, thinking in bets, focus on primary expertise, and how to run a startup team.

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